Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Trial and Error with GPS log

I am hoping that you will see a file or two with this post that can be loaded into google earth or maps. The files are from my phones gps.
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update: no files got uploaded; I probably need to RTFM at this point.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Holy Grocery List

Amy went shopping, finally, and this is the longest damn Publix receipt I have ever seen. The damages where $278.60 - we saved $96.88.
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Elsie and new boyfriend

Elsie just had to have her pic taken with her new man Sonny
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bad Timing

Bad Timing, originally uploaded by rhenrichs.

Gotta love FEC for loading the trains right at morning rush hour traffic.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Cow Drop

(No description entered)

For details go to Abaqus GeoDiary share page for this track.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Elsie at the Coconut Palace

Elsie at the Coconut Palace, originally uploaded by rhenrichs.

I took this a few weeks ago and uploaded it to test out the new flickr blackberry app, I didn't notice the green popsicle on Elsie's mouth