Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Would these be considered jail birds?

The elusive coconut castle!

Isabel was very upset about me not taking the her to the

"Coconut Pastle" . I tried to correct Isabel that Macy must have

meant castle but Isabel insisted it was a pastle and that Macy 

was going to take her.

Here are Macy, Isabel, and Elsie at the

Coconut Pastle

Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas Parade - Verdict

I had a good time, the kids we are very good and the smiles were huge. Please forgive the out of order of the posts, I was having some issues with sending (operator error). My recommendation to anyone going to the Stuart Christmas Parade - get there by 5:30 and you would have a great spot - bring some food and drinks, a few chairs or a blanket and a good time will be had by all.

Christmas Parade update

Time: 6:40pm

The roads are shut down and people are lined along the street, the sounds of a genorator humms as it provides power to the cotton candy vendor stand. Faints yummy smells waft thru the air and an almost breezless night. The children ask every 8.3 seconds "when does the parade start?"

Christmas Parade

Time: 5:30
Cars are still allowed down the street not many people yet but they are filtering in slowly.

Christmas Parade update

Time: 5:34 pm
Well we had a great spot until the Great Giant Kid Magnet showed up! Right across the street from us.

Christmas Parade update

Time: 6:00

Well the gang is almost all here. The crowds are starting to build. I would definitely get here by 5:30 to reserve a nice spot.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Blood Donor

Sitting and waiting to give my 10 donation. It has almost been a year since my last donation.